Monday, July 13, 2009

It's Been a While for the Post!!

It's funny, when things are going semi perfect to perfect in your life, you always seem to have the ability and the desire to do fun things. However, when life hits you in the face with dilemmas those same desires disappear. I am telling you this as a way to explain why it's been so long since my last post. I had family issues I had to deal with and writing a blog just didn't seem to matter so much.

But, things have calmed down a bit and I am back. I realized through all this that I am not a good multi tasker at a time of stress. I can think of only the thing I am stressed about, and nothing else seems to matter.

What about you? Even if you are stressed over one part of your life, can you cope perfectly well with the other? I'm interested in knowing.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Lonely and yet not alone

I have been feeling kinda weird lately. I have been feeling lonely, and yet I am not alone. My hubby and I are usually always together when we are home, and I am always with friends at work; and yet, I still feel lonely. I realized the reason, my extended family is far away from me. You see my Mom and Dad are in Florida for the summer, and my brother and his family are now in Europe for the rest of July.

I still talk to my mom every day so that has not changed, and I speak to my brother about once every two weeks, but knowing that I won't speak to my brother for another month and that my mom and dad will be gone, it makes me lonely. I think loneliness comes from thoughts and emotions, not reality, and that is why they say, "it is worse to be lonely with someone than to be lonely alone".

So to my friends, tell me what you think about loneliness. Is it real or is it imaginary?