Monday, April 3, 2017

More than you can handle......

Strength comes in many forms.  Sometimes it's sheer physical prowess, sometimes it's faith, sometimes its just being there.  But when you have no strength left and you feel you are falling is when you need someone to bring you up.  For most people that comes in the form of a loved one, or an inspirational friend... but for many it comes in the form of a religious deity.   Lately I have many friends and love ones who are trying to give me strength, but I am afraid I have come to the realization that my spiritual faith for strength just doesn't exist any more.  If it did, I wouldn't be living the life I am currently living.   So, I have given up praying, meditating or simply asking for help from that spiritual deity because it just doesn't seem to help.

It makes me sad... but it's reality... and that's what I am living right now........